He is at work!

The Lord is pulling all the pieces together.  We are at 32% of our monthly support and about to begin traveling.  This summer has not gone as expected but i can see so much of The Lord's hand in all of it.  My dad had triple by-pass surgery in June unexpectedly and i was able to stay with him for 3 weeks.  (Please pray for his continued recovery, it has not gone as expected and he continues to have complications with medicines and regaining his strength.)  What a wonderful blessing to be able to be there to help he and my mom.  We delayed some travels but are now gearing up for several things.

We will take the month of August to travel to Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia.  Whew! It will be a lot of quality time in the car with the kids and we are looking forward to seeing all the people those places represent.  We have a fundraiser coming up in September hosted by my Bible study group.  Earlier this month, we had a huge garage sale hosted by a friend of mine in Kosciusko and it was a huge success!  It was amazing how quickly it all came together.  Though I was in Arkansas unable to focus on support raising, the Lord laid it on my friend's heart to do this sale when I got back.  It was so encouraging to us to know He is at work even when life throws a curve ball!  We have had so much confirmation along the way that this is what He wants us to do.  Obedience is what He asks from each of us.  Strive to be obedient in what the Lord has called you to do.



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