Jehovah Jireh

We have been very encouraged this last week by how the Lord is leading people in regards to our future ministry.  In a month of support raising we are at 20%!!  This weekend we attended a homeschooling conference.  The speakers were excellent and i learned a ton.  I am still praying about what curriculum i need to do for the Fall and our time in Madagascar.  It is overwhelming to think that far ahead but the Lord is faithful and He will guide me through it.  There is just so much good stuff to choose from and the needs of my daughters are so different.

Something really cool happened while we were there.  I was asking a speaker a question about curriculum after a session and told her about our plans to go to Madagascar and where we had served before.  She stopped me and said "we give all of our curriculum to missionaries for free".  I was just stunned and burst into tears.  It was such an unexpected blessing.  I had looked at the really cool stuff her booth had but knew that it was too expensive when i have so many grades to get for the girls.  And then an hour later, the Lord just handed it to me.  All 3 of the kids will be so blessed by it but especially Luke.  It is perfect for him and all he needs.  He is now marked off my list!  It was just incredible.  I highly recommend   For several reasons obviously.

At each step of this process, i am just so humbled and so overwhelmed by God's gracious hand providing for our every need.  He IS Jehovah Jireh...THE GOD WHO PROVIDES!   


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